The Power of Remote Sensing

GOSSATS (Global Soil Satellite Sensing): GO is the keyword of the group, which means start an iniciative that moves towards to the future of soil sensing.
Start working on soil science using satellite sensing, to develop and share knowledge with community, as a lighthouse to keep researchers in the right path.

Based on 27 years of experience on proximal and remote sensing, Dr. Demattê observed the power of soil sensing technology. The GeoCiS group published several papers regarding this matter, giving strenght and motivation to move forward in an international networking iniatiative. Our vision is that remote sensing is the most powerful technique on soil science, but it has not been fully exploited. Based on this fact, we decided that it was time to create a strong group to develop tools and products at global scale. The biggest challenge in this task is to stablish a data sharing network. Taking this in consideration, GOSSATS will use shared data from participants and publish the results for the community. With this concept, all participants gets credits with no risks to their data and spread technology world wide as well.
GOSSATS receive specific information of participants, which assist on calibration and validation of remote sensing dataset. All participants provide the data they feel confortable. Basic personal information are used to create tools to community, under published scripts. This allow to preserve researchers proxy information.
Data is only used for the specific work, which is published and every participant gets the credits. The data cannot be used in anyother work. On the other hand, while the group and tools go forward, collaboraters will receive the developed scripts to use on their own purpose.

![]() José Alexandre DemattêCoordinator of the GeoCiS group | ![]() Rodnei RizzoPostdoctoral Researcher | ![]() Raul Roberto PoppielPostdoctoral Researcher | ![]() Fábio ChaddadUndergraduate |

Based on a creative dynamics, the group has as main objective to produce works related to soils in its various aspects using satellite sensing. GO is the key of the group to maintain the light to keep believing on this technology.​

Contact Us!
Pádua Dias Avenue, 11.
Piracicaba (City) - São Paulo (State).
Code: 13418-900 - Brazil.
Prof. Dr. José Alexandre Demattê
+55 (19) 3417-2109